Friday, March 31, 2017


I say this every month, but March has come and gone and I can't believe were already in to April.  Where has the time gone!?!?
Here is a little of what we were up to during the month of March.
1.  We've had a wet winter, but that doesn't stop the boys from getting on their snow gear and going outside to play.   Today happened to be very bright outside, so the boys needed their sun glasses to wear while playing outside.

2.  Blake is so so so cute!
3.  After a long week of a splint, Mason finally got his hard cast on today.  Only 4 more weeks and he should be as good as new.
4.  My dad had a health scare during the beginning on March.  He was getting really bad dizzy spells.  My mom finally decided to take him to the hospital.  They found out that the cause of the dizzy spells was his heart beating really fast causing his blood pressure to spike.  My dad was in the hospital for 3 days. It was a scary 3 days, but after lots of fasting and prayers my dad came out on top and he is feeling a lot better now.  After Mason got his hard cast we went to the hospital and my dad was the first one to sign my Mason's cast. 
5.  Mason and Tanner. I sure love these boys.
6.  We went to visit Stacy and newborn baby Phoneix.  Mason and Ash doing silly faces.
7. More silly faces after eating a blue Fun Dip.
8.  Lin and Blakey Bear.
9. Mason and Blake
10.  Me and my Masor.

11. One night Mason fell asleep at the dinner table.  I thought he was joking and just didn't want to eat his dinner, but then I heard him snoring.  He was really asleep.
12.  Mason, Blake, and Tanner.  Blake at 7 months old.
13.  Mason loves picking me flowers. 
14.  We have a hard time getting a shirt over Mason's cast, so sometimes he goes throughout the day without a shirt on. 
15.  Mason trying on Blake's vest again.
16.  We love to take walks and bike rides around the block.  Our neighbor has some chairs under a big pine tree so when we come around the corner back to our street, the boys love to take a rest from their bike ride and sit under the pine tree in the chairs.
17.  Mason and Tanner watching the kindle one morning in my bed.
18. Blake having a great hair day.  He recently learned how to sit up.
19.  Mason, Tanner, and I made a leprechaun trap out of Lego's.  We also celebrated St. Patrick's day buy wearing green and make Fruit Loop rainbows.

20.  More of our cute little Blake.
21.  Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby.
22.  Mason at his appointment to get his cast off.  He was pretty excited.  After he got his cast off he ended up being pretty sad.  He was so nervous to move his arm.  It took about 2 weeks to finally get his arm moving again. 
23.  Tanner's 3rd birthday was on March 25th.  We had a great day of celebrating our little guy.

24.  Tanner riding his new bike he got for his birthday. 
25.  The boys made a little house for Blake.
26.  On March 31st, we celebrated my parents 40th wedding anniversary.  We decided to throw them a little surprise party.  We had it all planned to meet mom and dad at the temple to do sealings.  Everyone made it on time, but as we were walking to our sealing room at the Provo temple, where mom and dad were sealed 40 years earlier, mom saw us.  She immediately started crying when she saw all of us siblings and spouses together at the temple.  We were able to surprise dad.  He walked in to the sealing room and saw all of us together waiting for him.  I loved being in the temple with all of my siblings.  I think the temple was the perfect surprise to give to mom and dad.  After the temple we went to Chuck-A-Rama.  Chuck-A-Rama was where my mom and dad had their wedding luncheon 40 years earlier.  We even got to sit in the same area they had their luncheon.  We had fun visiting with everyone and eating all we could eat.
We had one more little surprise up our sleeves.  We all submitted pictures and Myrn and Garrett made a video of mom and dads life over the past 40 years.  We had so much fun celebrating mom and dad.  It's definitely a night I'll always remember.
Tanner's birthday, Mason getting his cast on and off, and celebrating mom and dad's 40th wedding anniversary were definitely the highlights of our March.  Can't wait for April, because we are going to DISNEYLAND!!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tanner's 3rd birthday

Tanner turned three on March 25th, 2017.  We love our little Tanner and we are so happy he is part of our family. Tanner's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year.  We celebrated all day long.   Casey met us at McDonald's for lunch for Tanner's birthday lunch.  The boys had fun playing on the PlayPlace.  After lunch, it was home for quiet time and naps.  After quiet time and naps Casey came home from work and we took the boys bowling.  Tanner loves bowling and chose to go bowling for his fun birthday activity.  The boys had a blast and Mason didn't do half bad. 

After bowling we went to Taco Amigo for dinner.  Lin, mom, dad, and Mryn met us there.  Tanner loves Taco Amigo's tacos so we got him a taco for dinner and of course Taco fires.  After dinner we met Casey's mom and dad at our house for cake and ice cream.  Tanner loves cupcake bites from the Sweet Tooth Fairy, so I made cupcake bites (with the help of Myrn) for Tanner's cake.  Tanner loved them. 
We ended the night by opening Tanner's birthday presents.  Tanner got a new glider balance bike and he loves it.  We also gave him a remote control toy monster truck. 
Tanner had a great birthday and I can't believe he is already three. 
Here are Tanner's stats at three years old:
Here are three things about Tanner at age three:
1.  Tanner is ALWAYS smiling.  We love his happy personality. 
2.  Tanner loves meat.  He especially loves beef turkey (jerkey) from the store.
3.  Tanner loves all sports especially sports that involves a ball to play.  He wants to play football for BYU. 

We love you Tanner.  Happy 3rd birthday!!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blake at 7 Months Old

Blake turned 7 months old on March 9, 2017.  I can't believe how fast the time has gone with this little guy.  Here are 10 things about Blake at 7 months old:
1.  Blake is sitting up
2. Blake is rolling everywhere.
3.  Blake still loves to be held and still lets me rock him to sleep.
4. Blake loves watching his brothers.  He constantly is watching what Mason and Tanner do.
5.  Blake got his first haircut and looks adorable!
6.  Blake still sleeps through the night.  He moved from his pack-n-play in our room to his crib in his room. 
7.  Blake still sleeps like a dream in his Doc-A-Tot.
8.  Blake still has a head full of blond hair.  I kept thinking he might loose it, but he still has it.
9.  Blake is starting to enter the stranger danger phase. 
10.  Blake likes solids, but still prefers his bottle.

We love you Blakey Bear!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Our February was like everyone else, we stayed inside to keep out from the cold.  Although we stayed inside most of the winter, we still had fun and made lots of new memories.  Here is a little overview of our February.
1.  Our little Blake turned 6 months old. He is such a joy in our family.

2.  Tanner went to his first birthday party. He was invited to Sam Benson's (in our ward) 3rd birthday party.  They had fun coloring, playing games, and eating cake.  Tanner was a little nervous to stay by himself so I ended up staying with him.

3.  Horsey rides
4.  My boys
5.  Blake trying out rice cereal.
6.  They boys sharing the kindle (rare moment at our house).
7.  Valentine's Day.  We celebrated by having a candle light pizza dinner with our little family.  I love celebrating Valentine's Day with my boys.
8.  Valentine's Day lunch.
9.  Blake learned to roll onto his tummy.
10.  Blake loves crossing his toes. 
11.  Mason trying on Blake's vest.  It's a little small.
12. Our first time to the park this year and Blake's first time in a swing.  He loved it!!

13.  Oh my Tanner.  I love him so much, but he definitely tries my patients. 
14.  On February 21st around 8:00 at night, we were playing around and Mason climbed up the side of our couch and toppled backwards landing on left elbow...again.  Casey and I immediately knew he had broken his arm again.  I took him to the doctors office.  And they scheduled me to get some x-rays done.  The x-rays came back positive that he again broke the bone right about his left elbow.  The next week he was in a sling and for the next 4 weeks after that he was in a blue cast.  I'm officially wrapping this boy in bubble wrap. 2 broken arms before he's even 5!!
15.  Mason in his sling.
16.  Tanner and Blakey bear.
17.  Blake fell asleep in his bouncer.
18.  The boys and I made an erupting volcano.  They boys had a blast painting it and setting it off.
19.  Mason and Blakey bear.
20.  Mason trying to find every position possible to find comfort while wearing a sling.
21.  Mason's broken arm sure has made him tired. 
22.  Tanner!!
We had a great February.  We are excited for March and for spring to come so we can start doing more fun things outside.