Wednesday, October 16, 2013

13 Months

Our little Mason is 13 Months old today.  We are totally in love with this curious, happy, loving, boy of ours!
Teeth:  This little guy has been one unhappy boy the last couple of days, come to find out more molars are coming in.  Poor guy!
Sleeping:  Ever since our camping trip to Capital Reef, Mason has been sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  Every now and then there is a night that he'll wake up in the middle of the night, but not very often:)  We usually put Mason to bed around 8:30, if possible, and he'll usually sleep until 8 in the morning.  Mason also takes 2, 2 hour naps during the day, one in the morings and one in the afternoon. 
Talking:  This little guy talks all day, although we're still not understanding much.
Eating:  Mason is pretty much off all baby food.  He'll eat pretty much anything.  I've noticed that he'll chow down on something and then I'll try to give it to him again within the next couple of days and he won't eat it.  He is definitely becoming more picky and more aware of what he is eating.  When he doesn't like something or he is full, he'll start throwing the food off his tray on this highchair to the floor (a habit we're desperately trying to break).  Sometimes Mason can have a big appetite and other times Mason will barely eat anything. 
Movement:  Mason is still crawling everywhere and getting into everything.  When he pulls himself up on things he is starting to walk himself along the item like the coach or fireplace.  Mason loves to be where people are.  There can be a million toys in one room and he'll crawl to the other room just so he doesn't have to be in the room by himself. 
Other:  We sure are starting to notice a personality in this little guy of ours.  He is very kind and friendly and doesn't seem to be too shy.  Mason is very conscious of others feelings.  The other day a nephew was crying and Mason crawled over to him and handed him his binky and blanket.  Mason loves to play with his cousins.  He gets so excited every time he sees them.  He sometimes can be the toy stealer, whatever toy any of the kids are playing with, he wants to play with it too.  When we're at home Mason loves to play with the magnets on the fridge and he also likes to crawl around the house and make sure all the doors, drawers, and cupboards are closed.   

We love our little guy!