Friday, March 27, 2015

Tanner at 12 months and Mason at 30 Months

Tanner is already one and our little Mason is already 2 and a half.  I can't believe we'll have a three year old in just 6 short months.  Mason turned 2.5 on March 16th and Tanner turned 1 on March 25th, so I took them both in on March 26th for their well child visits. 

Here is 30 facts about Mason at 30 months old:
1.  Mason weighs 27lbs. which is in the 19th percentile.
2.  Mason is 35 inches tall which is in the 28th percentile. 
3.  Mason is doing so much better with talking.  You can pretty much get him to say anything.  Sometimes he is still a little hard to understand, but since I'm around him all day I can pretty much tell everything he says. 
4.  Mason loves trucks of any kind.  He loves digger trucks, monster trucks, etc.  Every time we see any kind of truck driving down the road he says "big truck."
5.  Mason started helping saying prayers recently.
6.  Mason also started singing with me when I sing him his songs before he goes down for naps and bed. 
7.  Mason is a great eater.  He pretty much loves anything, except meat.  When he eats meat he'll just chew on it for like 15 min.  When I realize it's still in his mouth, I usually have him spit it out. 
8.  Mason loves Tanner.  He'll call Tanner: baby, brother, or Tanner, but usually baby. 
9.  Mason loves to have Tanner in the same room as him and shut the door to play.
10.  Mason usually sleeps pretty good through the night.  He loves his big (queen sized) bed.
11.  Mason prefers dad over mom right now.
12.  Mason is pretty shy and will usually not talk in front of people he's not around a lot.
13.  Mason loves to be read to.  I think he'd sit on my lap and listen to stories all day long if he could. 
14.  Mason has recently learned how to count to...3 :)
15.  Mason knows almost all the colors in the rainbow.  His favorite color is blue.
16.  Mason still has a bink.  I'm trying my hardest to get rid of it, but sometimes it's the only thing that will really comfort him.
17.  He has a favorite blanket that he calls "blue."
18.  Mason loves riding on the four-wheeler, tractor, fork lift, and any other kind of mighty machine he can get on.
19.  Mason loves to ride his little Harley Davidson trike.  Recently he made me get out a rag and clean it for him.
20.  Mason says "mommy you're pretty" and "love you mommy."  When I hear him saying these things it melts my heart.
21.  Mason loves spending time with cousins and grandparents.
22.  Every morning when I do Mason's hair he'll always tell me who's hair he wants.  Sometimes it's: daddy hair, Bud hair, Parkey hair, Myrna hair, Linny hair, Oakey hair, and Amy hair. 
23.  Mason loves  to be outside.
24.  Mason takes one 2.5-3 hour nap/day.
25.  Mason still doesn't like ice cream.  He's not a really big fan of treats unless it's cookies. 
26.  Mason loves getting in the tub each night with Tanner.  The two of them together in the tub makes the biggest water messes.
27.  Mason loves going to nursery each Sunday.  If he can't go due to being sick he'll throw a huge fit. 
28.  Mason loves to help do anything:  clean, empty the dishwasher, make the bed, help grandpa at his shop, etc.
29.  Mason wears 2T clothes and size 7 in shoes. 
30.  Mason has the sweetest personality.

We love our little Mason.  He's been such a joy and blessing in our family. 

Here are 12 things about Tanner at 12 months old:
1. Tanner weighs 17 pounds and is in the 4th percentile. 
2.  Tanner is 28 inches tall and is in the 12th percentile.
3.  Tanner's head is 18 inches and is in the 48th percentile. 
4.  Tanner has been tricky to get to eat.  He seems to be more interested in playing then he is in sitting down to eat.  I usually have to distract him with a few toys in order to get him to eat anything.  For some reason milk is very hard on his tummy and he can't keep anything dairy down.  We've been buying him Soy chocolate milk to drink which he loves.
5.  Tanner wears size 12-18 month clothes and is in size 4 diapers.  He has small feet and hands.  Tanner also has the blondest/whitest hair I have ever seen. 
6.  Tanner loves to laugh.  He is pretty much ticklish everywhere.  I love tickling him and hearing his belly laugh.
7.  Tanner loves getting in the tub with Mason each night.  As soon as he hears the tub turn on he quickly crawls to the tub.  He could spend hours in the tub if we let him.  I have a feeling he is going to love the pool this summer.
8.  Tanner also loves the dishwasher.  He could be 3 rooms away from the kitchen and he still manages to hear me open the dishwasher.  Loading and emptying the dishwasher when he is awake is nearly impossible.
9.  Tanner says mama and dada.  He also waves, claps his hands, and plays peek-a-boo.
10.  Tanner loves being held.  When he is down on the floor he'll crawl up your legs and wait for you to pick him up. 
11.  Tanner has 4 front teeth, 2 on top and 2 on bottom.  He also started getting molars this past month.  He has 4 molars 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. 
12.  Tanner usually wakes up once in the night for a bottle.  He usually eats about 5-6 oz. of bottle per day.  One 3 oz. bottle before bed and one in the middle of the night.  He pretty much just winged himself off of his bottle.  It's a struggle to get him to drink even the 6 oz. per day, but I have so much milk saved and I don't want it to all go to waste, so I try my hardest to get him to drink at least 6 oz. per day. 

We love Tanner so much and we are so grateful he is part of our family.     


  1. I can't believe how big they are getting. And I am so glad Mason is talking more. That is quite a relief. They sure are cute boys. Wish we lived closer so we could play more often!

  2. They are darling!! I am so glad that Mason is speaking better. They are so sweet!!

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